PLA Navy guided-missile frigate Xuchang (Hull 536) arrives at the assembly region for the 2023 Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo (MNEK) on June 4, 2023.
BEIJING, June 5 -- The Chinese People"s Liberation Army (PLA) Navy"s destroyer Zhanjiang and frigate Xuchang on Sunday arrived at the designated assembly waters for the 2023 Multilateral Naval Exercise Komodo (MNEK).
北京,6月5日 -- 6月4日中午,由海军湛江舰、许昌舰组成的中国舰艇编队抵达“科莫多-2023”多国海上联合演习的集结海域。
The 2023 MNEK is held in Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia from June 5 to 8, which includes on-shore activities and maritime drills. The participating naval ships of various countries arrived as scheduled at the anchorage on June 4. In the next few days, they will participate in the fleet review and conduct drills on search and rescue, maritime interception, damage control, aerial photography, etc.
According to the staff officer of the Chinese participating naval troops, besides the joint training drills with multinational navies at sea, the Chinese naval troops will also take part in the on-shore activities of maritime exhibition, civil medical service, civil engineering program, exchanges and lectures, among others in 2023 MNEK.
In addition, they will carry out military and cultural exchanges with multinational navies to further deepen understanding, mutual trust and practical cooperation.
The MNEK is a non-war exercise by prioritizing regional maritime cooperation, disaster management, and humanitarian operations to strengthen cooperation among the participating navies, which is held by the Indonesian Navy every two years since 2014. This year marks the fourth of the series.
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