KINSHASA, June 6 - A detachment sent by the 26th Chinese peacekeeping engineering company to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) marched to rescue and rehabilitate the Raja Bridge in the torrent-stricken mountain area of South Kivu on June 2.
In mid-May 2023, the South Kivu region in the east of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was heavily hit by a strong rainstorm and flood disaster, which caused over 400 deaths and 5,500 missing victims, along with more than 500 houses damaged. The surviving residents urgently needed food, tents, medicines and other supplies, which were blocked out due to broken roads.
The Chinese peacekeeping engineering contingent was assigned by the MONUSCO to dispatch a 30-member detachment to repair the Raja Bridge, a pivot on the major road in the disaster area, in emergency.
The local vehicle traffic was seriously affected by the extensively collapsed bridge body and flanks. Besides, the rescue construction work faced more difficulties due to the fast-flowing river, dense silt accumulation in the river channel, complex geographic environment, and other factors.
At present, the Chinese peacekeepers have been deployed in four spots to take synchronized operations. They were trying their best to overcome difficulties and ensure the steady progress of the engineering tasks.
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